Full Standing showFor any event that is listed as 18 or 21 and over, ANY ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund. Any event listed as All Ages, means 6 years of age or older. ALL tickets are standing room only unless otherwise specified. If you need special accomidation, contact info@cafedunord.com. Support acts are subject to change without refund.--Proof of Vaccination: NOT required for entry.Proof of Negative Test: NOT required for entry.Masks: Staff and patrons are not required to wear masks though many do. Touring artists often request that patrons in close proximity wear masks. We recomend bringing a mask if you are able. We remain respectful to artists, staff, and patrons comfort level and safety. --COVID Warning: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any place where people gather. You assume all risks, hazards, and dangers arising from or relating in any way to the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or illness, whether occurring before, during, or after the event, however, caused or contracted, and voluntarily waive all claims and potential claims against the Event Organizers, and their affiliated companies relating to such risks. You expressly agree to comply with all laws and the rules of the Event Organizers when attending the event.**The health screening protocols above are subject to change per show at the artists request. Any show specific changes will be updated via email prior to the show. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.**